Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who am I?

My name is Hayley. I started this blog to talk about two things I love, CrossFit and Paleo. Maybe some other things too :)

I'm 24. I've never been particularly fit. I love doing active stuff like snowboarding, swimming, hiking, biking, sports, but I've never been in great shape so I've never gotten too into anything. I love weight lifting, but with the exception of when I was working with a personal trainer I never had a lot of direction or motivation.

I gained some weight a couple of years ago, and have been struggling to work it off. I was doing some weight lifting in my garage, but I wanted more motivation and direction, and you know, some company sounded nice too! I had heard of CrossFit before, and I had done CrossFit style work outs with my old personal trainer. One day I got up the courage and emailed Diana, the owner of Graham CrossFit to sign up for the Elements introduction course.

From day one I was hooked. Everyone at the box was SO nice, and so encouraging. On my second day doing a real WOD we had to do a total of 150 sit ups (along with ring rows, ring dips, and sprints).  I was really struggling on my last set of sit ups. The rest of the class was done, standing around sweating and trying to catch their breath. Diana came over and kept cheering me on, encouraging me to keep going. And so did everyone in the class. That's just how it is in CrossFit. We are competitive, we post our scores and times and try to get up on the leader board, but at the same time we support everyone else at the box and cheer them on and push them to do their best. 

I love the shit out of my box, and everyone in my class. They're my CrossFit family. If you're thinking about trying it out but you're intimidated by CrossFit, don't be. The people are amazing and the workouts are FUN. Anything can be scaled to anyone's ability. You improve so fast, it's an amazing feeling. Every night when I leave the box I am so proud of myself. I can't think of any other time in my life that I have consistently felt so good about myself. When I first started I couldn't even do 1 push up. I still can't even do one unassisted strict pull up, but it's a huge goal of mine, so I named my blog in honor of where I hope to be soon.

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